
EM Staff Employee of the Quarter- Susan Funderburk

April 8, 2020

The Department of Emergency Medicine is excited to recognize Susana Funderburk as our Department Quarterly Award Winner for the quarter ending March 2020!  Ms. Funderburk’s award states, “that her attention to detail to be her biggest strength.  She has developed new internal compliance tools and processes and improved some of our internal practices such as […]

Dr. Bird and Team prepare for potential flood of COVID-19 patients

April 7, 2020

Dr. Riviello Talks With KENS5 About COVID-19

March 26, 2020

Dr. Ralph Riviello, EM’s chair, talks with KENS 5 about local healthcare efforts to prepare for and respond to COVID-19.

EMS and Pre-Hospital Presentations and Awards

January 23, 2020

The Department of Emergency Medicine’s EMS and Pre-Hospital Medicine Section had a busy January with its research and scholarly activity. A poster titled “Characteristics of Pre-Hospital Pediatric Cardiac Arrests” was presented at the NAEMSP 2020 Annual Meeting held in San Diego, California.  Authors on the poster are our EMS Fellow Adam C. Benzing, MD, MPH; […]