
Research Report
Boris A. Zelle, MD Department Vice Chair of Research
It is with great pleasure that I introduce the research division of our department. The calendar year 2023 has been highly productive. As you will see in this section, our department has produced impressive publications. In 2023, we published approximately 60 peer-reviewed scientific journal manuscripts indexed in PubMed. However, it is not only the absolute number of publications that reflects the strength of our research program. Many of these articles were published in premier orthopaedic journals. Moreover, our department’s manuscripts reflect the various research areas that we continue to be involved in. But we must do more. Future goals include the expansion of our clinical and basic science research programs. This will include fostering collaborations with investigators from UT, outside institutions, as well as industry. Moreover, we will continue to seek accrual funding for our research, including grants from foundations, industry, and federal institutes. Above all, the successful pursuit of high-impact research represents a great asset to our residency program. Providing research opportunities for our residents and medical students to contribute to their learning experience and career development will remain a priority. We have developed a structured research curriculum for our residents to improve the research experience of our trainees. In addition, we have launched an orthopaedic research fellowship that is open to medical students who have an interest in pursuing an academic career in orthopaedic surgery.
We are excited about the multiple research accomplishments over the last year and look forward to more successful years to come. Research can never be accomplished alone. Successful researchers always depend on their collaborators and co-workers. For this reason, I would like to express my gratitude to our supporters, collaborators, and sponsors.
Why we promote resident research
As part of our mission, the Department of Orthopaedics strives to make lives better through excellence in education and research within the field of musculoskeletal diseases. Research remains a strong component of educating the next generation of orthopaedic surgeons at UTHSCSA. It is our belief that orthopaedic surgery is a lifelong learning experience. By engaging in research our residents learn the process of generating new knowledge and developing strategies of improving patient care. For this reason, active participation in research during residency will train our program graduates to become better clinicians and better surgeons.
Research facilities, cores, centers
Appropriate facilities are available for residents as they conduct their research. These facilities include a state of the art orthopaedic laboratory allowing for successful conduct of basic science projects. For clinical research projects residents have access to office space, meeting rooms, a dedicated orthopaedic library, all of which are equipped with modern technology and computer access. Through these facilities, residents have easy access to online libraries and clinical databases.