
The objective of Medicine Grand Rounds is a formal meeting at which physicians discuss new advances in medical science. Grand rounds are where new information is taught and clinical reasoning skills are enhanced. Grand rounds are an integral component of medical education.

The Medicine Grand Rounds Planning Committee (Dr. W. Brian Reeves) has no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests to disclose. The UT Health Long San Antonio School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

DatePresentation TitlePresenterPasscode
September 18, 2024Early Discharge: What's the Fuss?Gregory Bowling, MD, Professor, Hospital Medicine Division, UTHSCSA.$e88t.8
September 11, 2024GI Disease in Women: How We Differ, and Why it Matters Alexis Pavle, MD, Associate Professor, Gastroenterology Division, UTHSCSAwk6DR?Z7
September 4, 2024Molecular Diagnostics and Targeted Therapeutics in Rare Bone DiseaseEric Rush, MD, FAAP, FACMG, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center tb.#337a
August 28, 2024The time has come: “Rising of Ethnic Minorities as Cornerstone to Achieve Health Equity in Cancer Care”Enrique Diaz, MD, MSc, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology-Oncology
August 21, 2024Management of Crohn's Disease: Where do we stand in 2024?Juan F. Echavarria MD MS FACG AGAF, Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology, UT Health San Antonio
August 14, 2024Sarcoidosis – An Internist’s DiseaseParijat Sen, MD, MS, FCCP, Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
August 7, 2024Bridging the Gap: Dissemination and Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines into Real-World Clinical PracticeBijal A. Balasubramanian, MBBS, PhD
Professor, Department of Epidemiology, UT Health Houston School of Public Health
July 31, 2024Clinical Updates from the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force: Colorectal Cancer, Osteoporosis, and Fall Prevention.Joel Tsevat, MD, Professor, General Medicine Division, UTHSAB8XS^u62
July 24, 2024Redefining Standard of Care in Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionJohn J. Ryan, MD, MB, BCh, BAO, Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine,
University of Utah
July 17, 2024Fatigue in dialysis patients: highly prevalent but poorly studiedSubrata Debnath, MB.BS., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Renal Diseases Division, UTHSA ruG^8Sr!
July 10, 2024Health Impacts of Climate Change on CancerLakshmi Balasubramanian, MD, Associate Professor, Hematology-Oncology Division, UTHSAJ#@W2F3p
July 3, 2024Burnout and Wellness in Medicine Holly Day, MD, Assistant Professor, Hospital Medicine Division, UTHSAc&!5.=U?
June 26, 2024Why we should care about rare diseases James Shayman, M.D.
Professor of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology
University of Michigan Medical School
June 12, 2024The United States versus The World:  How well does our healthcare system measure up?Peter Cram MD MBA is a Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)G$8os1y+
June 5, 2024Hidradenitis SuppurativaJennifer Hsiao, MD Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Southern CaliforniayJV4&eXD
May 29, 2024Drug Development and Pancreas CancerWen Wee MA, M.B.B.S. Director, Novel Cancer Center Therapeutics Center VC, Translation Research, Cleveland Clinic Cancer Institute 14x39jq!
May 22, 2024Understanding the Current Measles Outbreak in the United States: Causes, Impact, and SolutionsSuverta Bhayana, MD, Professor, Transplant Center, UTHSA
May 15, 2024Understanding the Current Measles Outbreak in the United States: Causes, Impact, and SolutionsDanielle Dixon, DO, Assistant Professor, Infectious Disease, UTHSA@#8jom*F
May 8, 2024Increasing Patient Safety Reporting Among Trainees: A VA Quality Improvement InitiativeAveri White, MD, Chief Resident, Department of Medicine, Hospital of Medicine, UTHSAxOgv.9==
May 1, 2024 MPN: Past, Present, and FutureZohra Nooruddin, MD, Associate Professor, UTHSA!w*GK4zM
April 24, 2024An Update on Steatotic Liver Disease: Unveiling the Game-Changing Diagnostics and Treatments of Tomorrow!Naim Alkhouri, MD, FAASLD, CMO, Arizona Liver Health (ALH) in Phoenix, AZ.$W44CKLH
April 17, 2024Adding Breath to Lives: Lung Transplantation in 2024Holly Keyt, MD, FCCP, Associate Professor of Medicine, UTHSA2@GJT6M.
April 10, 2024The Evolution of Simulation-based Medical EducationKaitlin (Kate) Phillips, DO, Chief Resident, UTHSAwgJS#0Dj
April 3, 2024The Intersection of Valvular Disease and Heart FailureJoann Lindenfeld, MD, Professor at Vanderbilt Heart & Vascular Institute in Nashville, TN.UJxW7K@0
March 27, 2024The Science of Working Smart: How to Build and Use Evidence-Based Strategies to Optimize Work Design and OutcomesMarisha Burden, MD, MBA, FACP, SFHM, Professor, Hospital Medicine, University of Colorado4@7U^tQd
March 20, 2024A New Era for the Treatment and Prevention of HIVRuth Serrano Pinilla, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseaser.*aV5wU
March 13, 2024The Future of GLP-1 based Therapies for Cardiometabolic DisordersDaniel Druker, MD, Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, University of Toronto@zQUei&4
March 6, 2024How does Precision Medicine Apply to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseAntonio Anzueto, MD, Professor, Pulmonary, UTHSA^arzH5et