Welcome Party at Chicken N Pickle
October 26, 2023
Earlier this month, we hosted a “Welcome Party” at Chicken N Pickle for all our team members who recently joined the Department of Neurosurgery. We were excited to gather with our friends and families to celebrate the newest additions to our team!
Dr. Burma’s Research Featured in Local News Reporting
October 24, 2023
The Department of Neurosurgery is excited to report that Sandeep Burma, PhD, in conjunction with other researchers at the Mays Cancer Center, has published important work pinpointing the molecular mechanisms by which BRCA1 gene mutations cause cancer in women. Their groundbreaking work has been covered by UT Health, Newswise, News 4 San Antonio, and Spectrum […]
Congratulations to Kristi Dietert, PhD!
October 23, 2023
The Department of Neurosurgery is proud to share the news that Kristi Dietert, a UT Health graduate research assistant working in the lab of Dr. Naomi Sayre, recently presented her dissertation and completed her PhD program in Integrated Biomedical Science within the Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms discipline. Her dissertation focused on the role […]
Inauguration of The Spine Center at UT Health San Antonio
October 20, 2023
On Monday, we celebrated the opening of our newest facility: The Spine Center at UT Health San Antonio. This state-of-the-art clinic at the Medical Arts and Research Center boasts comprehensive, multidisciplinary care for adults and children. It is also the only spine center in South Texas with an EOSedge, an imaging system that uses lower […]