Mechanisms And Treatment Of Hydrocephalus
Neurotolerance to chronic ischemia during hydrocephalus. The objective of this project is to investigate neurotolerance during chronic ischemia in hydrocephalus. The hypothesis was tested by comparing the death of cortical and hippocampal neuron during global ischemia, with death of neuron in hydrocephalic animals subjected to a severe, acute episode of cerebral ischemia. Effect of expression of growth-associated protein ( GAP -43) on neuronal tolerance is investigated.
Impaired motor learning after traumatic brain injury , such as hydrocephalus, in human. In order to elucidate motor learning behavior in children with chronic brain injury, a novel computerized rhythmic sequential test is used to compare the motor skill acquisition and retention in two different age groups of children with and without hydrocephalus. To elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms associated with cognitive motor disorders in hydrocephalus, we determine motor activation produced by stimulation of motor cortex with Motor Evoked Potential (MEP) Equipment (MAGSTIM), and impairment in motor learning and memory formation. We also determine if a combination of part-practice and variable-practice method benefits motor-skill learning for the children with hydrocephalus .
Recent Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
Eskandari R, McAllister JP II, Miller JM, Ding Y, Ham SD, Shearer DM, Way JS (2004) Effects of hydrocephalus and ventriculoperitoneal shunting on afferent and efferent connections of the feline sensorimotor cortex. Journal of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics-2 101:196-210.
Ding, Y, Lai, Q., McAllister J.P., Canady, A.I. (2001) Impaired motor learning in children with hydrocephalus. Pediatric Neurosurgery . 34:182-189.
Ding, Y, McAllister J.P., Yao , B., Yan, N., Canady, A.I. (2001) Neuron tolerance during hydrocephalus. Neuroscience. 106:659-667.
Ding, Y, McAllister J.P., Yao , B., Yan, N., Canady, A.I. (2001) Axonal Damage Associated with Enlargement of Ventricles during Hydrocephalus: A Silver Impregnation Study. Neurological Research. 23: 581-587.