Podiatry Fellow Receives First and Second Place for Research at State Meeting
Dr. Craig Verdin, currently a PGY5 fellow in Amputation Prevention and Research, in the Division of Podiatry at UTHSCSA received the First and Second place awards for research abstract at the Texas Podiatric Medical Association Conference in Irving, TX. Dr. Verdin completed a fellowship in diabetic limb salvage at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington DC and presented this research at the Texas state meeting.
Dr. Verdin’s abstracts were titled:
Patient Reported Outcomes and Functional Consequences of Ray Amputations: An Evidence-Based and PROM-Driven Approach for Functional Limb Salvage within the Forefoot
Functional Comparison of Controversial Levels of Midfoot Amputation Relative to the Below-Knee Amputation: Does Length Preservation Always Equate to Functional Maximization?