Location: Neuroscience Discipline, Sarah C. Hopp, Ph.D. LabDepartment
PharmacologyKristian Falkon
Graduate Student
Personal Statement:
I enjoy researching Alzheimer’s disease not only because of its impact, but also because exciting developments that have been made in the recent years. This work inspires purpose and boundless curiosity. My scientific interests span immunology, microbiology, physiology, and neuroscience. Working in this field I have grown to appreciate my interdisciplinary background and interests.
Södertälje, Sweden and Ithaca, New York
Lab Association
Sarah C. Hopp, PhD.
Hobbies and Interests
Drawing, painting and playing music.
University of Houston - B.S. Biotechnology 2011-2015
Kristian has recently joined Dr. Sarah Hopp’s lab where they investigate the cellular and molecular biology of Alzheimer’s disease. They are primarily interested in the autophagy pathway, microglia and neuroinflammation.