Tyler Chappel, MD

Tyler Chappel


Dr. Tyler Chappel grew up in Columbus, GA before moving to Atlanta to attend Georgia Tech, where he obtained his B.S. in Psychology. He developed an interest in global health and international development, leading him to obtain an M.A. in Development Studies at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland. He worked in Seoul, South Korea with a small non-profit to assist asylum seekers in their applications for refugee status in Korea. He returned to the US and began working as a medical assistant in orthopedic surgery. He completed his medical school at the Medical College of Georgia before beginning his residency in general surgery at UTHSCSA. His interests include global health, medical education, and international development.


Georgia Institute of Technology

Medical School

Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

Professional Affiliations

American College of Surgeons

Association of Academic Global Surgery

Association for Surgical Education

American Medical Association

Awards & Accomplishments

MCG Alumni Association Lifetime Scholarship

Berta Vallis, M.D. Scholarship