Residents Win 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in TAFP Poster Competition
Our residents won first, second and third place in the poster competition for the Texas Academy of Family Physicians. The first & second place posters were in collaboration with Bexar Translational Advisory Board. The third place poster is in collaboration with MetroHealth.
Evaluating Efficacy of the Health Education Series “Chat at the Quiosco” – First place
Authors: Marie-Lesly Emmanuel, Alyssa Gardner, Jordan Kampschmidt, Lauren Bishop, Carolina Gutierrez Garcia, Carolina Sanchez, Jesus Hernandez Alvarez, Paula Winkler, Ludivina Hernandez, Ariel Gomez, Alvin Estacio, Madeleine Tran, Robert Wood, Fozia Ali, Maria Garcia, Cristina Cepeda, Kristen Canady, Emily Rodriguez
HeLP: Health Literacy Promotion in COVID-19 pandemic- Second place
Faculty mentor Dr. Yun Shi
Authors: Alexis Ramos, MD, Yun Shi, MD, PhD, Dhillon Advano, BS, Daniel Orta, BS, Margaret Anderson, BS, Zainab Essaji, Sabeen Abdullah, Marie Emmanuel, MD, Eesha Navaid, Priya Guri, Maria Garcia, MD, Ariel Gomez MPH, Alvin Estacio, Paula Winkler, Med, Ludivina Hernandez, Jasmine Rodriguez, MPH, Robert Wood, DrPH, MPH, Liset Vasquez, RDN, LD, CHES, Bryan Bayles, PhD, MPH, Fozia Ali, MD
Community-Clinical Linkages: Referral System between UT Health SA Physicians to Metro Health Programs- Third place
Authors: Gemstonn Alegre, MD; Etny R. Candelario, MD; Jasmine Rodriguez, MPH; Kimberly Osorio, BS; Alexis Ramos, MD; Fehima Dawy, MD; Esther Shin, MD; Carolina C. Gutierrez, MD; Melanie I. Perez Dones, MD; Yun Shi, MD, PhD; Tapas Nuwal, MD; Khorshid Amirkhosravi, MD; Lizette A. Lugo, MD; Daniela Gomez, MD; Gabriel Rheiner, MD; Christopher T. Alcorta, MD; Carlos R. Jaen MD, PhD, FAAFP; Christine Camacho, MD; Fozia Ali, MD, FAAFP; Rebecca Jones, PhD