Enslow, Benjamin T., M.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Personal Statement:
Dr. Enslow’s research delves into the fascinating intersection and intricate overlap between two vital aspects of human physiology: metabolism and the immune system. The connection between metabolism and the immune system is a dynamic and two-way relationship. For instance, the immune system relies on a steady supply of energy and nutrients to function optimally. However, prolonged or excessive inflammation can adversely impact the body’s metabolism, contributing to conditions like insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. The Enslow laboratory focuses primarily on the cells of the adaptive immune system (T cells and B cells) and their dependence on lipids and other substances for fuel during healthy and pathologic immune responses. Unraveling the intricate connections between the immune system and metabolism can offer profound insights into various disease mechanisms, such as autoimmunity, diabetes, and cancer. These insights can pave the way for innovative treatments and the creation of improved preventative approaches for a wide array health conditions.
Dr. Enslow received his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Schreiner University, and then his medical degree from the Long School of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio. Dr. Enslow was then a TL1 Translational Science Postdoctoral Research Fellow studying mitochondrial biology and cellular metabolism in the Department of Medicine at UTHSA. He then completed a second postdoctoral fellowship studying immunometabolism as a Saber-IRACDA scholar in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics at UTHSA.