

Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics

Zadeh, Mansour M., Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor

Personal Statement:

Dr. Mansour M. Zadeh is a cellular and molecular immunologist. Dr. Zadeh is a Distinguished Professor in Medicine and the Director of The Center for Mucosal & Microbiome Biology at the UT Health San Antonio – Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine. His laboratory’s work is tightly focused on the interaction of gut microbiome and the associated metabolites (e.g., vitamin B12) with the hosts during steady states and proinflmammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Dr. Zadeh’s goal is to robustly establish an advanced scientific platform in cellular and molecular mucosal immunology and microbiome research by supporting the education of both basic and clinical scientists. Dr. Zadeh’s research and educational endeavors are geared toward creating an environment that facilitates a commitment to innovative research excellence and patient care.


Doctor of Philosophy in Cellular & Molecular Immunology
1991 · Johannes Gutenberg University

Master of Science in Cellular & Molecular Immunology
1989 · Johannes Gutenberg University

Bachelor of Science in Cellular & Molecular Biology
1986 · Johannes Gutenberg University/Germany


Dr. Mansour M. Zadeh is an immunologist with over 27 years of expertise in the fields of mucosal inflammation, infectious diseases, and microbiome, and the associated metabolisms research. His scientific focus is tightly centered on the genomic, and physiological reprogramming of intestinal epithelial cells, tissue resident macrophages, and dendritic cells, and the ways that the fate of these cells can be determined by gut microbiome and the associated metabolites. Thus, his work elucidates the interaction of the aforementioned cells with commensals, and the associated gene products (e.g., surface layers, metabolites), and the subsequent differential regulation of naïve T lymphocytes into bacterial antigen-specific Th17 cells or extrathymic regulatory T cells (Tregs) in health, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). He employs rigid multiomic profiling approaches to delve into the involved molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of gut homeostasis that is highly controlled via bidirectional interactions with microbial species, and the associated metabolites, particularly vitamin B12 (VB12).  Gaining insights into such a complex interplay requires rigid multiomic disciplines, including transcriptomic, metabolomic, and epigenomic approaches that may be used to identify the transcriptional regulation potentially contributing to host recovery from devastating proinflammatory diseases. Thus, his research elucidates the specifics of microbes with bifidogenic properties, and the associated metabolite, VB12, tightly reprogramming ileal epithelial cells (iECs), ileal resident macrophages (iMacs), and microglia to rewire induced toxic neuroinflammation that may deteriorate the gut-brain homeostasis, potentially manifesting in neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease related dementia (ADRD).

Awards & Accomplishments

2021 Recipient of the STAR’s Award, UT Health, San Antonio
2020Recipient of the 2020 University of Florida Research Foundation Professor Award
2017Recipient of the University of Florida Professorship Award for Research Excellence
2017Recipient of the Pfizer Award for Research Excellence
2017Highest Distinction Award by Anderson Scholar Faculty Honoree, College Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida
2016 Recipient of Technology Award by Office of Technology Licensing, University
of Florida
2013Superior Accomplishment Award, University of Florida

List of current active grants

  1. NIH R01 DK109560C, Mohamadzadeh (PI)                      09/14/2020-08/31/2025

Title: Bacteria-associated VB12 regulates neonatal ileal epithelium homeostasis

  1. NIH R01AI154630-01, (Multi-PIs) Mohamadzadeh (PI)          07/01/2020-06/30/2025

Title: Determinants of follicular helper T cell expansion in lupus

  1. NIH R01AI43313-0, Mohamadzadeh (co-Investigator)          09/01/2018-09/30/2023

Title: Gut dysbiosis and tryptophan metabolism in lupus

  1. NIH COVID recovery funding, Mohamadzadeh (PI)                      09/01/2022-09/30/2024

Title: Tryptophan Metabolism, and Microbiome in long-COVID related kidney disease in response to ROA # OTA-21-015E


Lab Members

Lab MemberPosition
Yong Ge, PhDAssistant Professor
Mojgan Zadeh, MSLaboratory Manager
Annapurna Pamreddy, PhDPostdoctoral Fellow
Peter Stawinski, MDAssistant Professor-Clinical


Complete list of publications

Recent Publications:

  1. Ge Y, Zadeh M., Mohamadzadeh M. Vitamin B12 coordinates ileal epithelial cell and microbiota functions to resist Salmonella infection in mice. J Exp Med. 2022 Jul 4;219(7). pii: 213271. doi: 10.1084/jem.20220057.
  2. Ge, Y., Zadeh, M. & Mohamadzadeh, M. Vitamin B12 Regulates the Transcriptional, Metabolic, and Epigenetic Programing in Human Ileal Epithelial Cells. Nutrients 14, doi:10.3390/nu14142825 (2022).
  3. Brown J, Abboud G, Ma L, Choi SC, Kanda N, Zeumer-Spataro L, Lee J, Peng W, Cagmat J,Faludi T, Mohamadzadeh M, Garrett T, Mandik-Nayak L, Chervonsky A, Perl A, Morel L.Microbiota-mediated skewing of tryptophan catabolism modulates CD4(+) T cells in lupus-prone mice. iScience 25, 104241, doi:10.1016/j.isci.2022.104241 (2022).
  4. Roth, W. & Mohamadzadeh, M. Vitamin B12 and gut-brain homeostasis in the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke. EBioMedicine 73, 103676, doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103676 (2021).
  5. Yang, C., Lavayen P, Lei LiuSanz B. D, Kelly M DeMars  Larochelle J, Pompilus M, Febo M, Sun Y-Y, Kuo Y-M, Mohamadzadeh M, Far S. A, Chia-Yi Kuan Butler A., Eduardo Candelario-Jalil E. Neurovascular protection by adropin in experimental ischemic stroke through an endothelial nitric oxide synthase-dependent mechanism. Redox Biol 48, 102197, doi:10.1016/j.redox.2021.102197 (2021).
  6. Roth W, Zadeh K, Vekariya R, Ge Yong, M. Mohamadzadeh. Tryptophan metabolisms and the gut microbiota-brain homeostasis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22:2973-2996.
  7. Choi S-C, Brown J, Gong M, Ge Y, Zadeh M, Li W, Croker B P, Michailidis G, Garrett TJ, Mohamadzadeh M#, L. Morel#. Microbiota-associated tryptophan catabolism induces autoimmune activation in a lupus murine model. Science Translational Medicine. 2020, 12:1-15. # Equally corresponding authors
  8. Anoop Kumar A, Priyamvada S, Ge Y, Jayawardena D, Singhal M, Arivarasu N, Koelina Ganguly A, Kaur S, Batra S K, Chatterjee I, Dayal A, Patel M,  Saksena S, Alrefai W A, Gill R K, Zadeh M, Mohamadzadeh M  & Dudeja P K. A novel role of SLC26A3 in maintenance of intestinal epithelial barrier integrity. 2021, 160:1240-1255. PMID:33189700, PMCID:PMC7956241.
  9. Li J, Ge Y, Zadeh M, Curtiss III R & Mohamadzadeh M. Regulating vitamin B12 biosynthesis via the cbiMCbl riboswitch in Propionibacterium strain UF1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020, 117(1):602-609. PMID:31836694.
  10. Bostick JW, Wang Y, Shen Z, Ge Y, Brown J, Chen ZE, Mohamadzadeh M, Fox JG, Zhou L. Dichotomous regulation of group 3 innate lymphoid cells by nongastricHelicobacter  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019.  PMID:31740609, PMCID:PMC6900599.
  11. Ge Y, Gong M, Zadeh M, Li J, Abbott JR, Li W, Morel L, Sonon R, Supekar NT, Azadi P, Wang Y, Jones DP, Li S, Mohamadzadeh M. Regulating colonic dendritic cells by commensal glycosylated large surface layer protein A to sustain gut homeostasis against pathogenic inflammation. Mucosal Immunol. PMID: 31619761.
  12. Ge Y, Gong M, Colliou N, Zadeh M, Li J, Jones DP, Li S, Mohamadzadeh M. Neonatal intestinal immune regulation by the commensal bacterium, P. UF1. Mucosal Immunol, 2019;12(2):434-444. PMID:30647410.
  13. Tedesco D, Thapa M, Chin CY, Ge Y, Gong M, Li J, Gumber S, Speck P, Elrod EJ, Burd EM, Kitchens WH, Magliocca JF, Adams AB, Weiss DS, Mohamadzadeh M, Grakoui A. Alterations in Intestinal Microbiota Lead to Production of Interleukin 17 by Intrahepatic γδ T-Cell Receptor-Positive Cells and Pathogenesis of Cholestatic Liver Disease. Gastroenterology. 2018;154(8):2178-2193. PMID:29454797.
  14. Colliou N, Ge Y, Gong M, Zadeh M, Li J, Alonzo F 3rd, Mohamadzadeh M. Regulation of Th17 cells by P. UF1 against systemic Listeria monocytogenes infection. Gut Microbes. 2018;9(3):279-287. PMID:29420115.
  15. Sahay B, Colliou N, Zadeh M, Ge Y, Gong M, Owen JL, Valletti M, Jobin C, Mohamadzadeh M. Dual-route targeted vaccine protects efficiently against botulinum neurotoxin A complex. Vaccine. 2018 2;36(1):155-164. PMID:29180028.
  16. Grau KR, Roth AN, Zhu S, Hernandez A, Colliou N, DiVita BB, Philip DT, Riffe C, Giasson B, Wallet SM, Mohamadzadeh M, Karst SM. The major targets of acute norovirus infection are immune cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Nat Microbiol. 2017(12):1586-1591. PMID:29109476.
  17. Colliou N, Ge Y, Sahay B, Gong M, Zadeh M, Owen JL, Neu J, Farmerie WG, Alonzo F 3rd, Liu K, Jones DP, Li S, Mohamadzadeh M. Commensal Propionibacterium strain UF1 mitigates intestinal inflammation via Th17 cell regulation. J Clin Invest. 2017;127(11):3970-3986. PMID:28945202.
  18. Wynn JL, Wilson CS, Hawiger J, Scumpia PO, Marshall AF, Liu JH, Zharkikh I, Wong HR, Lahni P, Benjamin JT, Plosa EJ, Weitkamp JH, Sherwood ER, Moldawer LL, Ungaro R, Baker HV, Lopez MC, McElroy SJ, Colliou N, Mohamadzadeh M, Moore DJ. Targeting IL-17A attenuates neonatal sepsis mortality induced by IL-18. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016;113(19). PMID:27114524.
  19. Owen JL, Cheng SX, Ge Y, Sahay B, Mohamadzadeh M. The role of the calcium-sensing receptor in gastrointestinal inflammation. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2016;49:44-51. PMID:26709005
  20. Sahay B, Ge Y, Colliou N, Zadeh M, Weiner C, Mila A, Owen JL, Mohamadzadeh M. Advancing the use of Lactobacillus acidophilus surface layer protein A for the treatment of intestinal disorders in humans. Gut Microbes. 2015:392-7. PMID:26647142.
  21. Colliou N, Sahay B, Zadeh M, Owen JL, Mohamadzadeh M. Impact of Gastrointestinal Bacillus anthracis Infection on Hepatic B Cells. Toxins (Basel). 2015;7(9):3805-17. PMID:26402706.
  22. Yang T, Santisteban MM, Rodriguez V, Li E, Ahmari N, Carvajal JM, Zadeh M, Gong M, Qi Y, Zubcevic J, Sahay B, Pepine CJ, Raizada MK, Mohamadzadeh M. Gut dysbiosis is linked to hypertension. Hypertension. 2015; 65(6):1331-40. PMID:25870193.
  23. Lightfoot YL, Selle K, Yang T, Goh YJ, Sahay B, Zadeh M, Owen JL, Colliou N, Li E, Johannssen T, Lepenies B, Klaenhammer TR, Mohamadzadeh M. SIGNR3-depewndent immune regulation by Lactobacillus acidophilus surface layer protein A in colitis. EMBO J. 2015; 34(7):881-95. PMID:25666591.