James Durham
December 14, 2017
Six years ago, James Durham was in a motorcycle accident. He was immediately rushed to the ER, where he was treated by the Neurocritical Care team. During his time in the hospital, he had a craniotomy, which was performed by Viktor Bartanusz, MD. James shared part of his experience with us: “I was in a […]

The Promotion of Dr. Hawksworth
December 2, 2017
Today we celebrated Shane Hawksworth’s promotion from the rank of captain to major in the U.S. Army. James Henry, MD, a retired colonel and our neuropathologist, directed the ceremony. Ian McDougall, MD, a captain in the U.S. Army, served as Dr. Hawksworth’s “adjuvant.” Shane’s fiancé, Amanda Stone, and her father, Army 1st Sgt. Michael Stone, […]