Strengthening your Research

Strengthen your research by getting course credit for doing research, statistical analysis assistance, publication funding assistance, or conference travel funding assistance.

Medical Student Research Elective

Make a research experience part of your medical school curriculum by enrolling in Medical Student Research Electives. The Medical Student Research Electives allow LSOM medical students to gain course credit for doing basic science or clinical research.

Best time to enroll? For most students, the best time to enroll in INTD 4210, 4211, and 4212, respectively, would be at the end of Pre-Clinical Spring CSBS Step 1, Fall of MS3, or Spring of MS4. For the Distinction in Reseach, enrollment into only one elective is necessary. ELEC 5059 offers enrollment to MS1s & MS2s in the Spring, and only MSIIs for Fall enrollment.

Medical students may begin a research elective at any stage of their research project. There are three sections of the Medical Student Research Elective designed to cover each phase of a research project.

All INTD 4210, 4211, and 4212 Applications are Due Two Weeks Before the Block

See Handbook for New Application Form and Instructions

All INTD applications are due two weeks before the block you are applying to

Step 1. Complete the Application Form

Step 2. Complete the Project Summary Form. This form require input from the research mentor and signatures from the medical student and mentor

Step 3. Enroll in the course through MyStudentCenter and Login to the Course Canvas Page to view Course Requirements

Due at the end of the enrolled block

At the end of the research elective, students must complete a Refection and submit an Hour Log signed by the student’s mentor. To simplify the process for students, the materials are due via email to the course director ( All items are due on the last day of the enrolled block.

Hour Log – Students are expected to spend 50-100 hours on research over the course of the 4-week block. Students will log their research activity. The time spent must be related to research and meet the goals and objectives set in the student’s Work and Mentoring Plan. This form must be signed by the student’s mentor. The template can be found on Canvas.
Reflection – Students are expected to reflect on their research project and work. The reflection will be completed on Canvas.

ONE45 Surveys– Two surveys are required for the student to complete. The first evaluated the elective and the second evaluates the faculty member (mentor)

Stats 4 Students


Review Project with Your Mentor

Request your mentor’s guidance to determine what statistical tests are needed.


Qualify Your

Share your proposed statistical test and proposed analysis with the Office for Research.


Share Your Plan with Statistical Experts

Present an overview of statistical needs with Stats4Students.


Receive Support and Knowledge Bank

Create a governance framework.

If you are in need of statistical support, the Office for Reseach can assist you with funding through the Stats 4 Students service. To initiate the request, engage with your research mentor to determine what statistical tests and assistance is needed for the project. Connect with the Office for Research and discuss your project. We will guide you to develop a short 10-15-minute presentation that summarizes your project hypothesis, methodology, expected results, and requested statistical services from Stats4Students. This step is critical, because it provides the Stats4Students team with the scientific background and statistical requirement for your study. The Stats4Students team will access your statistical needs, provide feedback, and together with the Office for Research will develop a plan to assist with your project.

Publication and Travel Funding

The Office for Research has limited funds to assist medical students with the cost of publication fees. Awards are typically limited to $500 per student and are not made until a manuscript has been accepted for publication. Funds will not be approved for publication in journals that have been flagged as potentially predatory by the Briscoe Library.

Students interested in receiving this assistance must first reach out to Chris Gaspard of the Briscoe library to request her review of the journal. Students will then forward the email confirmation to SOMResearch@uthscsa. Once this step has been completed, then fill out the following application.

LSOM Medical Student Publication Fee Assistance Form

Medical students are encouraged to present their research at conferences. To qualify for funding, first author presenters must be an actively enrolled medical student, have documented financial need via FAFSA, and be in good academic standing. Out-of-state students should complete the form at the following link: LSOM Medical Student Conference Attendance Assistance Form. Please note, funding is limited to $500 per student per academic year for an out-of-state conference.

In-state students should contact Jennifer Bitoni Hernandez in the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education for assistance (