
We have a weekly 2-hour didactic session held Friday mornings that is protected, dedicated educational time. The curriculum covers all areas of clinical orthopaedics, as well as basic science, annually. Lecturers are members of the Orthopaedic Department faculty, School of Medicine faculty, and invited guest lecturers from the community. Additionally, we utilize Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics and the AAOS ResStudy question bank in order to ensure didactics are reinforced with relevant, up-to-date board review materials.
As a supplement to formal weekly didactics, each service has regular, more informal didactic-style teaching sessions, including weekly case review on trauma, lessons in arthroplasty, OITE question review, etc…
Fracture Rounds
We host a monthly orthopaedic fracture rounds session, which is led by residents and attended by specialty-specific faculty. Typically, fracture rounds cover actual cases performed by UT Health residents/faculty and engages residents of every level on a variety of learning points, including anatomy, approaches, equipment setup, and surgical techniques.
Journal Club
Our journal club sessions focus on a different specialty each month, and relevant articles are chosen through resident and faculty collaboration. Residents not only present the articles, but are encouraged to critically evaluate the learning points, strengths, and weaknesses of each paper. These invaluable sessions emphasize the concepts of practice-based learning and improvement, and they teach residents how to evaluate the literature and incorporate evidence-based medicine into our daily practice.
Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds are held every Monday morning throughout the academic year. Presenters include Orthopaedic Department faculty, community guest lecturers, School of Medicine faculty, as well as residents and fellows.

"I really value our orthopaedic educational program; our faculty aims to provide continuous learning, and, are very responsive to resident feedback and suggestions. Our didactics are a great mix of faculty specialty-specific lectures, OITE board preparation, hands on skills labs, and case review, ensuring that our education is well-rounded, evidenced-based and comprehensive." Jordan Handcox, MD - Class of 2022