DEHS news
Texas Public Radio on Dealing with Hearing Loss
August 10, 2023
Dr. Brian Perry, Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, and Dr. Sarah Ammerman, Otolaryngology – Deaf Education and Hearing Science Program, spoke live on Texas Public Radio’s The Source program with David Martin Davies. Thank you for doing this public service, doctors.

Literacy in Deaf Children
December 22, 2022
How many words is a typical child exposed to by the time they start kindergarten? The answer depends on how frequently someone reads aloud to them. Caregivers who read to their child multiple times per day potentially expose their child to one million more words by age five when compared to caregivers who never read […]

Deaf Education Training in Texas
December 19, 2022
The Deaf Education & Hearing Science Program at UT Health San Antonio is one of the largest teacher preparation programs utilizing the listening and spoken language ( LSL) approach to deaf education in the country. Because of the high demand for deaf education professionals, there are two campus options in Texas: Sunshine Cottage School for […]

Deaf Education and Hearing Science Program attracts $1.1 million grant from U.S. Department of Education
October 7, 2021