Pathology Academic Resource Center
Welcome to the website of the Pathology Resource Center also known as PARC. PARC was developed as a support unit for the extensive teaching responsibilities that the Department of Pathology has in the various schools here at the UT Health San Antonio. This includes a wide variety of courses in Pathology in the UT Health San Antonio Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Allied Health Sciences, and in the College of Pharmacy at UT Austin. We also provide extensive support in our Pathology Residency and Fellowship teaching programs. The responsibilities of PARC include the overseeing and preparation of lecture/lab schedules, course syllabi, examinations and proctoring, and in coordinating pathology laboratory teaching sessions. PARC has a library of over 34,000 kodachrome slides of gross & microscopic autopsy and surgical pathology specimens that have been and currently are being acquired by faculty and residents in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Divisions at University Hospital and the Audie Murphy Veterans Hospital. In addition PARC is continuing to increases its gross organ teaching specimens currently in excess of 659 plastinated (see the NOTE below), wet and mounted organs. Dr. Neal Pinckard and our Education Team oversee this invaluable teaching resource.
NOTE: Plastination is the process that preserves biological materials by removing the natural moisture content of the tissues and replacing it with a curable polymer such as silicone latex rubber, epoxy or polyester. Plastination was developed Dr. Gunther von Hagens of the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Heidelberg, West Germany. It was brought to the UT Health San Antonio in 1980 by Dr. Townsend, Chairman of the Pathology Department at the time. Our department was the first in the United States to use the plastination process for preparing gross organ specimens to use in teaching. Mr. Douglas Krauskopf (retired) engineered this process of plastination and developed this resource in our department.
Kline Student Award
The Carl A. Kline Memorial Fund was established in 1978, by Robert Kline, in loving memory of his brother. Carl completed Pathology training at the Tulane University School of Medicine in 1956. This contribution creates a living memorial for the better health of all mankind.
The 2nd year Kline Award recognizes a sophomore medical student with the highest grade in Pathology. A check for $2,000.00 and plaque is awarded to the winner.
The Pathology Academic Achievement award recognizes the 2nd year medical student with the 2nd highest grade in Pathology. A book from the American Society of Clinical Pathology is awarded and a plaque from the Department of Pathology.
The 4th year Kline Award recognizes a senior medical student who displays an in depth understanding of a particular disease process, including clinical findings, laboratory studies, differential diagnosis, pathophysiology, and recent research. A check for $1,000.00 and plaque is awarded to the winner. (see below*)
Student Awards:
The ASCP award recognizes the 2nd year medical student with the 2nd highest grade in Pathology. A book from the American Society of Clinical Pathology is awarded and a plaque from the Department of Pathology. Click here for more information about the Kline awards.
The John Cornyn Award was first awarded in 2010. Dr. John Cornyn served as a Professor of Pathology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio from 1971 until his death in 1989. The award will be given to a 2nd year dental student with the highest grade in the General Pathology Course, PATH 6019. This outstanding student will receive $500 and a plaque.
Photo: Dr. John Cornyn