Cancer Research
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is being studied in collaborative investigations which target the discovery and development of biomarkers for prostate cancer. Additional research efforts are directed towards elucidation of the importance of nutrition in the prevention of prostate cancer.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer continues to be a major health problem in the U.S. For the year 2002, the American Cancer Society estimates 203,500 new cases will be diagnosed. Breast cancer research at UT Health attacks the problem from multiple approaches. Collaborations with investigators in a variety of departments are essential to this multi-prong approach. The Pathology Core of the San Antonio Cancer Institute provides laboratory resources, tissues, and pathologic expertise for these endeavors. The basic science of breast cancer development is being studied through collaborations with investigators at the Institute of Biotechnology. Collaborative clinical studies are carried out through the Southwest Oncology Group. Tumor markers are studied in conjunction with investigators at the Institute of Drug Development.