Optical Imaging Facility
To make available state-of-the-art imaging technology to investigators on UT Health’s campus and neighboring scientific community.
High-end instrumentation for acquisition and analysis of optical data is expensive and requires continued maintenance and improvements. The necessary commitment to this technology is often difficult to maintain within individual laboratories, especially when optical imaging is not a major focus for the laboratory. Therefore, the Core Optical Imaging Facility fills a critical need of UTHSA investigators and neighboring scientific community by offering,
- access to state-of-the-art technology for imaging of living cells, tissues, and animals.
- consultation, education and assistance regarding the theory and application of optical imaging techniques.
- technical advice on specimen preparation techniques and probe selection.
New developments in optical microscopy coupled with the vast array of bio-reagents available have made it possible to observe directly the dynamics of the molecular, chemical, structural and functional environment of cells at the cellular and sub-cellular level. In particular, fluorescence microscopy has become an essential tool for scientist to detect cellular components using antibodies, nucleic acid probes and fluorescent fusion proteins as markers and to observe physiological changes using fluorescent ion indicators.
Developments in optical microscopy coupled with the now vast array of bio-reagents available have made it possible to observe directly the dynamics of the molecular, chemical, structural and functional environment of cells at the sub-cellular level. In particular, fluorescence microscopy has become an essential tool for scientist to detect specific cellular components using antibodies, nucleic acid probes and fluorescent fusion proteins as markers and to observe physiological changes using fluorescent ion indicators.
Publication Acknowledgements:
The facility should be listed in the “Acknowledgements” section of any publication using data generated in the OIF as follows:
- Images were generated in the Core Optical Imaging Facility which is supported by UT Health San Antonio and NIH-NCI P30 CA54174.
- Zeiss Lightsheet 7 users need to include this additional acknowledgement: The Zeiss Lightsheet 7 microscope was funded by NIH S10 grant 1S10OD030383-01.