Faculty Development

The Division of General Internal Medicine holds a monthly faculty development seminar to stay apprised of updates in general internal medicine and to develop skills as educators.  Meetings include journal club discussions, presentations on common clinical issues, and workshops to improve observation, feedback, and remediation of learners.


Our faculty are active participants and leaders in both undergraduate and graduate medical education, providing clinic-based training, mentoring, and offering advanced electives with opportunities for clinical rotations in General Medicine clinics.

"The mission of the Division of General Internal Medicine is to provide excellent, compassionate patient-centered care and to train the next generation of internists." Dr. Ambili Ramachandran, MD, MS, FACP Division Chief, Co-medical Director, General Medicine Clinic

Top Stories

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Shepard Tempalte

Dr. Tsevat Appointed to US Preventive Services Task Force

“I am honored to be selected, because this is an opportunity to impact preventive services and make a difference in the health of our patients in South Texas and nationally,” Joel Tsevat, MD, MPH

A man’s 5-point inspection guide to good health

Dr. Shepherd gives a 5-point guide to men’s health. He encourages his patients to schedule a preventive check up once a year to help them stay as healthy as possible!

Q&A with Dr. Cynthia Cantu

Meet Dr. Cynthia Cantu, Medical Director and Primary Care physician at UT Health De Zavala and Assistant Professor/Clinical of General Internal Medicine. Dr. Cantu was featured in the news providing diet tips for those with diabetes, advice on how to lose weight, and information on supplements on how to combat insomnia.