Jesus Flores’ Story

Just over a month ago, Jesus Flores had a brain aneurysm at work and passed out. Shortly thereafter, he made an appointment with Dr. Ramesh Grandhi to discuss his case. Because his aneurysm was too large for endovascular coiling treatment, the decision was made to “clip” the aneurysm in order to isolate it from normal blood circulation. Two weeks after surgery, Jesus reports that he is doing well and feeling better every day. Finding out that heredity might have played a role in the development of his aneurysm surprised Jesus. “Many of my family members had aneurysms,” he told us. “I didn’t know aneurysms were genetic. If I had, I would have taken extra precautions.” Jesus advises others to take a closer look at their family history and consult a physician to determine if they might be at risk for having an aneurysm. For more information, visit our department’s brain aneurysm website at: