Two Week Patient Follow Up – Camila

Camila and her mother pose for a photo with their physicians at their two week follow up.

Danna Yanez recently traveled from Mexico to San Antonio to seek treatment for her 16-month-old daughter, Camila, who was diagnosed with left side coronal suture craniosynostosis.

The Craniofacial Team at UHS, including Drs. Izabela Tarasiewicz, Joshua Stone, and Christian Stallworth, performed her surgery, which was sponsored by the non-profit organization Fresh Start Surgical Gifts.

As you can see from her two week follow up photos, Camila is doing well after her successful surgery. The Craniofacial Team was happy to see her smiling face!

Physicians perform Camila's cranio surgery.

Physicians perform Camila's cranio surgery.

Camila and her mother pose for a photo with their physicians at their two week follow up.

Camila and her mother pose for a photo with their physicians at their two week follow up.

Article Categories: News, Patient Stories