Grand Rounds
Provide cutting-edge information in pediatric clinical care, research, education, community service, and global health to advance the professional development of medical students, residents, fellows, faculty, community pediatricians and all others interested in children’s health and well-being.
Pediatric Grand Rounds are held on Friday, from 7:30-8:30 AM CST. During Covid-19 pandemic grand rounds have been presented virtually using Microsoft Teams platform. We are planning to hold the grand rounds in person in room 409-410L of the UTHSA Long Medical School. They will also be available to attend virtually via Microsoft Teams. Please check the current monthly schedule for topics and speakers. To be included in the distribution list to receive the monthly schedule by e-mail, please send name, attendee category (MD, RN, PNP, PA, PhD, etc.), physical address, and e-mail address to Ms. Delia Calderon at . Click here to learn more about registering attendance for CME credit via Text. The code for receiving CME credit is posted during grand rounds presentation and is only good for the day of the event. If you have issues registering for CME, please email or call Ms. Delia Calderon at 210-567-3117 for personal assistance. To obtain your CME transcript, visit CME on line and select “CME Transcript.” You can also contact the Office of CME directly at 210-567-4491 for assistance.
Pediatric Grand Rounds
Alternate Viewing Options
You can view the Pediatric Grand Rounds presentations from your own PC as live web cast or archived Grand Rounds. No CME credit can be earned by viewing grand rounds by video stream or from the archives.