DMSP Templates

Access the UTHSA and NIH pilot DMS Plan templates (a brief feedback interview after your submission is required *)




DMSP Consultation

Schedule a consultation for guidance on your DMS Plan, using the templates, or request assistance drafting your DMS Plan, associated budget, and budget justification. **



Budget Calculator and Budget Justification

Access an example of budget justification language and budget calculation tool



DMS Effort Calculator

*Accessing the templates enters you into the DMS Plan Template Pilot which means that we will call you a week or two after your submission and ask which template you chose, why, and your feedback on the template after using it.
**Through support from the Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR), CRI consultations are provided at no cost to the investigators for the initial months of the implementation period. Contacting CRI a month or more before your application is due is not too early; within two weeks of submission is often too late to fully explore data sources, decide on optimal methods, and select appropriate sharing repositories.