Internship Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data
To apply, submit the APPIC Application for Psychological Internship with graduate transcripts for the current year. Section B of the Authorization for Security Background and Sanction Check Form will need to be completed ONLY if you are invited for an interview. It does NOT need to be submitted with the AAPI. If you are concerned what may constitute a “pass” or “fail” on the Background Check Form, please contact the Training Directors as the criteria is different across various clinical sites.
Date Program Tables are updated: 8/06/2024
Program Disclosures
Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values? | __Yes _X_No |
If yes, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented | N/A |
Internship Program Admissions
Briefly describe in narrative form important information to assist potential applicants in assessing their likely fit with your program. This description must be consistent with the program's policies on intern selection and practicum and academic preparation requirements: | |
The Clinical Psychology Internship is a generalist program with opportunities for emphasis in one of three different clinical domains: 1. Forensics 2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapies 3. Integrated Primary Care Behavioral Health Thus, in order to be a good fit for this internship, an applicant should have a primary interest in developing a strong, general foundation for Clinical and/or Counseling Psychology. Secondarily, a strong candidate for the Internship should have a specific interest in one or more of the clinical domains represented by our tracks. Please see the general applicant requirements stated below. | |
Does the program require that applicants have received a minimum number of hours of the following at time of application? If Yes, indicate how many: | |
Total Direct Contact Intervention Hours: No__X__ Yes_____ | Amount: 0 N/A |
Total Direct Contact Assessment Hours: No__X__ Yes_____ | Amount: 0 N/A |
Describe any other required minimum criteria to screen applicants: | |
Enrollment in an APA- or CPA-accredited Program | |
Dissertation Proposal Completed by Start of Internship |
Internship Training Period
Each student is appointed as an Intern in Clinical Psychology by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. The appointment is for the 12-month training period from July 1 to June 30.
Financial and Other Benefit Support for Upcoming Training Year
Annual Stipend/Salary for Full-Time Interns | $30,500 | |
Annual Stipend/Salary for Half-Time Interns | N/A | |
Program Provides Access to Medical Insurance for Intern | _X_Yes | ___No |
If access to medical insurance is provided: | ||
Trainee Contribution to Cost Required? | Yes | _X_No |
Coverage of Family Member(s) Available? | _X_Yes | ___No |
Coverage of Legally Married Partner Available? | _X_Yes | ___No |
Coverage of Domestic Partner Available? | _X_Yes | ___No |
Hours of Annual Paid Personal Time Off (PTO and/or Vacation) | 128 | |
Hours of Annual Paid Sick Leave | 96 | |
In the Event of Medical Conditions and/or Family Needs that Require Extended Leave, Does the Program Allow Reasonable Unpaid Leave to Interns/Residents in Excess of Personal Time Off and Sick Leave? | _X_Yes | ___No |
Other Benefits: Paid Malpractice Insurance (Interns Must Be a Student Affiliate of the American Psychological Association) | _X_Yes | ___No |
Other Benefits: Floating Holiday Hours | 24 |
As noted earlier, intensive supervision is an important element of this program. In addition to being assigned supervisors for each clinical assignment, Interns have a preceptor (mentor) whose duty it is to help maintain the student’s orderly progression through the training year.
Interns are also asked to evaluate the program at the end of the year. Additionally, interns are invited to attend meetings of the Psychology Internship Training Committee, a body which meets monthly to review and discuss training issues (however attendance is not mandatory). Hence, there is ample opportunity for student input to the program throughout the training year.
Intern performance is evaluated by their supervisors quarterly. Please review the Competency Assessment Introduction and the Competency Assessment Form which describes the program’s competencies as well as evaluation criteria. Evaluation is a collaborative process between the supervisor and intern. Evaluation feedback is provided to the trainees’ graduate department in January (mid-year) and at the end of the internship.
A trainee’s year at the UT Health San Antonio is very busy. Work activities typically extend beyond 40 hours, with approximately 45-hour weeks being the more common experience. The work consists of demanding clinical assignments, which provide the interns with a genuinely gratifying opportunity for professional growth.
We arrange for sixteen (16) days of PTO during the year and expect that interns will split leave days between rotations. In addition, we may allow one (1) administrative day for conference attendance, etc.
If invited for an interview, applicants for our internship program must clear a screening process to ensure that they are not listed by a federal agency as excluded, suspended, or otherwise ineligible for participation in federal programs. UT Health San Antonio will perform the screening at no cost to interns. A drug screen and/or immunizations may be required by a training site. Since many of our sites are not located within UT Health San Antonio, reliable transportation is essential.
We encourage applicants to identify any special needs that might require an accommodation during the interview process. The UT Health San Antonio Clinical Psychology Internship Program is committed to providing access for all people with disabilities and will provide accommodations if notified within 20 days of the interview.
Clinical Psychology Internship
Initial Post-Internship Positions
Initial Post-Internship Positions | 2020-2023 | |
Total # of interns who were in the 3 cohorts | 32 | |
Total # of interns who did not seek employment because they returned to their doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree | 0 | |
PD | EP | |
Academic Teaching | PD = 0 | EP = 0 |
Community Mental Health Center | PD = 1 | EP = 0 |
Consortium | PD = 0 | EP = 0 |
University Counseling Center | PD = 1 | EP = 0 |
Hospital/Medical Center | PD=14 | EP = 0 |
Veterans Affairs Health Care System | PD = 0 | EP = 0 |
Psychiatric Facility | PD = 0 | EP = 0 |
Correctional Facility | PD = 2 | EP = 0 |
Health Maintenance Organization | PD = 0 | EP = 0 |
School District/System | PD = 0 | EP = 0 |
Independent Practice Setting | PD=13 | EP = 0 |
Other | PD = 0 | EP = 1 |