Marketable Skills

Objectives/Program Outcomes

The program is committed to preparing qualified students interested in pursuing career in medicine by providing relevant coursework delivered by expert faculty to enhance their academic credentials for admission and boost their performance in the pre-clinical years of medical school.

Accordingly, major objectives of the program include:

  • Demonstration of an in-depth understanding of the biological basis of health and disease.
  • Preparation for achieving minimum standards on the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test).
  • Providing access to one-on-one advisement for applying to medical schools and the medical profession as a career.
  • Participation in learning outside the classroom, through extracurricular activities including workshops and volunteer opportunities.

Three student learning outcomes have been established to identify and develop direct measures of student assessment. Students will be expected to:

  • Achieve national average standards on the MCAT.
  • Develop a Personal Statement that clearly delineates rationale/interest in attending medical school.
  • Acquire a fundamental understanding of the function of the human body during normal and disease states.
Students working a fair table