Clinical Services
The Pediatric Gastroenterology Division offers state-of-the art inpatient and out-patient medical care to children up to age 17 years. Our medical team’s goal is to provide patients with quality medical care. Clinics are held at the Robert B. Green Campus located downtown, University Hospital located in the Medical Center as is the University Transplant Center. Patients are seen by appointment only.
Division of Pediatrics Gastroenterology
Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic
Robert B. Green Campus
903 W. Martin Street, 6th Floor
San Antonio, Texas 78207
Hours: Monday thru Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Appointments: 210-358-5437
Referrals Fax: 210-702-6303
Clinic Fax: 210-358-5476
Pediatric Liver & Transplant Clinic
University Transplant Center
4502 Medical Drive, MS 18
San Antonio, Texas 78229
Hours: Mondays: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Office/Appointments: 210-358-8309
Referrals Fax: 210-358-8529
Pediatric Specialties Clinic
Wurzbach Gateway Clinic
Including the New Healthy Liver Clinic
(for the prevention and treatment of fatty liver disease)
8435 Wurzbach Rd., Suite 311
San Antonio, TX 78229
Clinic Phone: 210-450-7334
Fax: 210-450-2124
Pediatric Intestinal Failure Clinic
University Hospital
4502 Medical Drive, MS 18
San Antonio, Texas 78229
Hours: Thursdays: 8:00 a.m. – noon
Appointments: 210-358-5437
Referrals Fax: 210-702-6303
Clinic Fax: 210-358-5476
IBD Clinic
Robert B. Green Campus
Clinical Pavilion, 6th Floor
903 W. Martin St.
SA, TX 78207
Clinic hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Clinic Phone: 210-358-5467
Fax: 210-702-4228