Medical Education and Simulation

Simulation Lab; Director: Margarita M. Vasquez, MD

Dr. Vasquez’s research interests focus on improving trainee simulation for intubation success with direct-laryngoscopy and video-laryngoscopy in a mannequin and in a large animal model.  Dr. Vasquez has implemented rapid cycle deliberate practice (RCDP) into the resuscitation model and leads a team of experts to continue these efforts with dedicated time for NICU fellows, neonatal transport team, and OB transport team.

Medical Education (JA Petershack, MM Vasquez)

It is our goal to become recognized leaders in medical education, in part achieved by utilizing innovative and effective pedagogies. We strive to ensure that our learners are engaged with the best learning tools and state of the art technology which will enable them to utilize that training to provide unsurpassed care to their future patients.  Our experienced faculty educators use a variety of different techniques, including team-based learning and flipped classrooms, each of which are tailored to the appropriate educational level of those learners; medical students, pediatric residents, and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellows. Faculty educators have gained national and international recognition by dissemination of their work in the form of educational workshops at the Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics meetings.