Grand Rounds
Pediatric Grand Rounds are held three Fridays per month, from 7:30-8:30 a.m. in 409-410L of the UTHSA Long Medical School and are videoconferenced with University Health System downtown facilities. Sessions are recorded and can also be viewed at a later date.
Learn more about our Pediatric Grand Rounds
Pediatric Grand Rounds Recordings for CME and MOC2 Credit
Special Presentations
In addition to Grand Rounds, the Department of Pediatrics hosts “special presentations’ for the benefit of medical students, pediatric residents, pediatric fellows and our faculty. These are CME as well as non-CME presentations done by experts from within the institution (UT Health San Antonio) or invited speakers from other institutions with the goals to educate our trainees and enhance faculty development. These presentations include “Health Equity Rounds” and “Other Educational Recordings”.
Pediatric Health Equity Rounds Recordings for CME and Ethics Credit
Other Pediatrics Department Educational Recordings
Pediatrics for the Practitioner Annual Conference
The department hosts an annual conference designed to provide new information and skills for physicians, advanced practice nurses, and other healthcare providers treating children.
Learn more about our Pediatrics for the Practitioner Annual Conference
UT Health San Antonio CME Office
The CME office supports all UT Health educational programs across the health science center.