
Dr. Birnbaum stands and speaks about stroke with KENS 5.

KENS 5 Segment with Dr. Birnbaum – Stroke Risk Factors

May 23, 2019

During his interview with KENS 5, Dr. Lee Birnbaum discussed the risk factors for stroke among young people. He also addressed a news headline that recently circulated about a man from Oklahoma who suffered a stroke after popping his neck. You can read or watch the story here.

Dr. Birnbaum stands and speaks about stroke with KENS 5.

KENS 5 Segment with Dr. Birnbaum – One Stroke Patient’s Story

May 21, 2019

Dr. Lee Birnbaum was recently interviewed by KENS 5 for their informative story about stroke patient Mario Herrera. During the segment, Dr. Birnbaum stressed how crucial timing can be during the treatment of stroke. You can read or watch the story here.

Dr. Ali Seifi smiling in front of a poster for the 15th Emirates Critical Care Conference.

Emirates Critical Care Conference

April 17, 2019

Earlier this April, the director of our neuro ICU, Ali Seifi, M.D., FACP, was invited to be a guest speaker at the 15th Emirates Critical Care Conference in Dubai. This annual meeting, sponsored by the Neurocritical Care Society and the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, brings together prominent specialists and […]

Neurocritical Care Team posing for a group photo after their simulation lab taught by Drs. Seifi and Garvin.

Simulation Lab

April 15, 2019

The Neurocritical Care Team recently had a simulation lab for invasive lines. The session, taught by Rachel Garvin, M.D., FNCS, and Ali Seifi, M.D., FACP, covered a wide range of techniques health care professionals use among critically-ill patients to diagnose infections, relieve pressure, deliver medications, and facilitate breathing.

Patient Sandra Holquin sitting in a chair and smiling.

Sandra’s Story

March 14, 2019

Sandra Holquin suffered from chronic pain throughout most of her life. “I couldn’t walk or even do household chores,” she told us during a recent visit. “Epidural and steroid injections would help, but the pain would always come back.” During an appointment at the pain clinic, she was referred to Alexander M. Papanastassiou, M.D., who […]

Dr. David Wallace standing before a podium and presenting his research at Neurosurgical Society meeting in Key Largo.

Southern Neurosurgical Society

February 26, 2019

David Wallace, MD, PGY-6 traveled to the Southern Neurosurgical Society meeting in Key Largo, Florida to present research from the UT Health’s experience treating pediatric traumatic brain injury.

2019 International Stroke Conference

February 8, 2019

Cameron M. McDougall, M.D., recently presented a poster at the 2019 International Stroke Conference titled “Microsurgery Treatment Rate for Unruptured Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations is Increased post-ARUBA.” Many of our faculty members contributed to his research, including Jean-Louis R. Caron, M.D., FRCS(c), FACS, Lee Birnbaum, M.D., and Justin Robert Mascitelli, M.D.

Dr. Ali Seifi posing for his staff photo.

Texas chapter of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM)

February 4, 2019

The Department of Neurosurgery is excited to announce that Dr. Seifi was recently elected by the members of the Texas chapter of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) to fill the at-large seat on their board of directors. The SCCM is the largest non-profit medical organization dedicated to promoting excellence and consistency in the […]

The Neurocritical Care Team posing for a holiday photo with big smiles and funny hats.

Thank you!

January 7, 2019

The Department of Neurosurgery would like to recognize the wonderful doctors, nurses, and staff that worked so hard taking care of patients in the Neuro ICU over the holidays.

Drs. Van Horne and Papanastasiou standing in front of the Department of Neurosurgery doors.

Craig G van Horne, M.D., Ph.D.

December 18, 2018

Last Friday, the Department of Neurosurgery was visited by Craig G van Horne, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Kentucky. During grand rounds, Dr. Horne discussed a neurosurgical approach to the delivery of cell therapies for disease modification in Parkinson’s disease. We thank Dr. Horne for taking the time to see us and share his […]