Mentorship & Career Planning

The residency has a formal Mentorship Program. Residents select their own faculty mentors after the first semester of the PGY-1 year so that they have had a chance to get to know faculty. Some residents meet very frequently with mentors while others meet only occasionally. It is really up to the residents’ desires and needs. The Mentorship Program also holds regular luncheons and after-hours optional sessions for our residents to gain career planning advice, ideas, and networking.

Our chief resident-directed Peer Council helps residents navigate the personal and professional challenges of residency and provides a support system within the resident team. Through our formal Peer Mentorship program, incoming residents are matched with senior peer mentors to provide individual support for the first 2 years of residency. In turn, when those residents become PGY-3s, they serve as peer mentors to new interns for the last 2 years of  their training.

Career planning is encouraged early and regularly through the Mentorship Program, individual faculty advisors, and also during the semi-annual residency program director meeting with individual residents.