Program Highlights
- High acuity and complexity of care
- Balance of inpatient and outpatient clinical experience
- All call is in one hospital
- Night float system
- Resident Wellness Program
- Residents as Teachers Program
- Selectives in PGY-2 and PGY-3 year
- Resident Leadership Opportunities

- Level IV maternal center
- Level IV neonatal ICU
- Level I trauma center
- “Stork One” Maternal Transport Program
- Placenta accreta spectrum referral program
- Maternal opiate use disorder program
- Dedicated maternal diabetes clinic
- Perinatal palliative care program
- Obstetric emergency team simulations monthly
- Immediate postplacental IUD program
- Certified Nurse Midwives

- Women’s Gynecologic Emergency Center
- Robust gynecologic ultrasound experience
- Dedicated office procedures clinic
- Dysplasia and colposcopy clinic
- Dedicated family planning/ contraception clinic
- Healthy Texas Women clinical site
- Essentials in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (EMIGS) built into the curriculum
- Robotic surgery certification built into the curriculum
- Physicians Assistants and Nurse Practitioners
Contact us
For questions about the residency program, contact:
Jackie Barrera
Academic Programs Coordinator
Phone: 210-567-4953
Fax: 210-567-3485
Connect with us
Babies delivered per resident
Gynecologic surgeries performed per resident
Maternal transports annually
Ultrasounds performed per resident

“As a 4th year Sub-I, I was so impressed at how well trained and knowledgeable the residents were. I am so happy to have Matched here and strongly believe that we receive excellent training with a wide variety of pathology, patient diversity, and opportunities for research.”
-Dr. Nathalie H. Chang, Class of 2026