Clinical Programs
Our philosophy is not only to alleviate disease, but to promote quality of life, psychosocial support, and to provide life-long care for our patients.
We are members of the Children’s Oncology Group, a national consortium of institutions dedicated to curing cancer in children and adolescents by offering state-of-the-art therapy in the form of clinical trials. Furthermore, the division holds a federal grant for the National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP), a consortium of five institutions whose mission is to facilitate access to COG and other NCTN clinical trials for minority children, adolescents and young adults affected by cancer. We provide comprehensive assessment and treatment in the following multidisciplinary programs:
Bone & Soft Tissue Sarcoma Program
Childhood Cancer Survivorship Program
Cancer Genetics and Risk Assessment
Our hematology program specializes in caring for children with both common and rare blood disorders. We offer comprehensive clinical services spanning the spectrum of blood diseases including bleeding and clotting disorders, hemoglobin disorders, marrow failure syndromes such as Fanconi Anemia and congenital neutropenia. We offer genetic diagnosis and counseling to help patient’s and caregivers better understand their disease. The hematology service operates both local clinics in San Antonio as well as an outreach clinic in Harlingen. In addition, our providers participate in blood disorders research including both longitudinal epidemiology and therapeutic trials.
South Texas Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center
South Texas Comprehensive Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Program