South Texas Comprehensive Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Program
South Texas Comprehensive Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Program
The Sickle Cell and Thalassemia program is dedicated to the evidence-based treatment of children, adolescents, and young adults living with sickle cell disease and thalassemia through a comprehensive program aimed at preventing disease complications, promoting health literacy and maximizing quality of life.
The Sickle Cell Program has been member of the National Alliance of Sickle Cell Centers since 2021.
Services Include:
- Genetic counseling of hemoglobinopathy disorders identified by newborn screen
- Comprehensive annual evaluations focusing on disease awareness, infections and pulmonary complications
- Transcranial doppler for primary stroke prevention
- Use of disease modifying therapies such as hydroxyurea and chronic transfusions
- New medical therapies including Voxelotor, L-glutamine, and Crizalizumab
- Chronic transfusion therapy including automated red cell exchange and iron chelation
- Non-invasive assessment of iron overload with MRI
- Combined Sickle Cell and Pulmonology Clinic
- Community outreach including schools, churches, camps and support groups for sickle cell awareness/education
- Psychosocial support for educational testing and evaluation of transition readiness
- Opportunities to participate in clinical research including new medical therapies to prevent disease complications and treat pain

Division of Hematology-Oncology
Our Sickle Cell Team
- Melissa Frei-Jones, MD MSCI, Pediatric Hematologist
- Sickle Cell Program Coordinator -Vacancy
- Leticia Avery, LCSW-S, Social Work
- Krystal Robinson, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
- Shawn Lade, Research Coordinator
- Sophia Salinas, Research Staff