Regularly scheduled didactic conferences which emphasize active learning are central to the residency experience. Below lists a sample of the formal didactic offerings of the program. It does not reflect the daily teaching rounds on the inpatient services, intensive care units, newborn nursery, hematology/oncology service, or the required subspecialties nor does it list conferences associated with all other required blocks which host weekly or biweekly regular rotation specific didactics based on their unique workflow.
Interns and residents have expectations to attend conferences. We comply with ACGME rules, requiring at least 70% attendance over the year.
- Pediatric Grand Rounds – Department Wide
- Continuity Clinic Seminar Series *
- Morning Report – Inpatient and Outpatient, Tuesday-Thursday AM
- Friday Protected Didactic Series – 2 hours/week, in person and virtual
- Morbidity/Mortality Conferences
- Newborn Nursery Lectures
- Tumor Board
- Renal Patient Care Management Conference
- Developmental Disabilities Journal Club
- Neonatal Procedures Workshop
- Evidence Based Medicine Seminars and Monthly Journal Club
- QI and Patient Safety Longitudinal Team Based Curriculum
- Advocacy Longitudinal Curriculum
- Mock Code/Simulation Seminars
- MedStudy Board Review Longitudinal Curriculum
- Night Float Curriculum
- Resident as Teacher Seminars
Continuity Clinic Seminar Series
Continuity Clinic Seminar Series is a comprehensive General Pediatric curriculum anchored in the resident’s Continuity Clinic experience. This curriculum, 108 seminar hours, covers the entire range of general pediatric and acute care management issues. In addition, residents cover the Bright Futures Curriculum and do many of the online Johns Hopkins cases. Specialized curriculum in substance abuse prevention strategies is also taught. An interactive advocacy curriculum also spans all three years and includes site visits to a number of community-based locations that serve our most vulnerable patients. Additionally, the Ambulatory Clinic hosts morning report and noon board review/study sessions.
Patient safety awareness and accountability is emphasized beginning with exposure to modified Teamstepps Training during orientation as well as via the Nurse Buddy Program – an interprofessional, longitudinal experience that reflects our culture of safety, collaboration, and high standards.